Regional Development Plan IV
DRA’s Regional Development Plan IV will guide the agency’s strategic priorities and actions from 2023 through 2027 to help the region build on previous successes and maximize future opportunities. While the plan identifies regional challenges, it also identifies regional assets, strategies, and action steps that will lead to greater opportunity and prosperity in economically distressed communities. The goals outlined in the Regional Development Plan IV are as follows:
GOAL 1. Invest in Public Infrastructure
DRA will expand and invest in the resiliency of the region’s public infrastructure to improve residents’ quality of life and increase economic opportunity. This includes utilities (e.g., water, sewer), digital communications (e.g., broadband, cellular), and transportation (e.g., road improvements, public transit).

GOAL 2. Nurture Local Workforce Ecosystems
DRA will improve networks of agencies, organizations, businesses, and educational institutions providing workforce development opportunities. It will promote access to services, funding, and programs that enable career stability, including healthcare, housing, education, and food security.

GOAL 3. Promote Business Growth and Entrepreneurship
DRA will strengthen the competitiveness of the region’s employers and attract new employers to the region. Support the long-term growth of micro and small businesses, especially those that promote local industries such as tourism.

GOAL 4. Support Community Placemaking and Capacity-Building
DRA will expand efforts to enhance sustainable and inclusive local placemaking, quality of life, and community capacity. This includes enabling community connectedness, increased efficacy, leadership development, and the ability to receive federal support, especially with under-resourced groups.