Accountability and Transparency

An accountable government is essential. The Delta Regional Authority strives to be transparent to our appropriators and the American people through the publication of budget justification documents and investment reports. DRA operations are subject to an annual external audit to provide oversight of investments and operational and programmatic expenditures.

Budget Justification and Annual Year in Review

A budget justification and annual year in review report are submitted to Congress each fiscal year to identify the expenditures and investments made by the DRA through its four institutional sections: Administration and Operations; Project Development and Management; Policy Initiatives and Programs; and Communications and Public Engagement.

Lapse Plan

As required by section 124 of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11, DRA Lapse Plan was submitted to OMB on September 22, 2022.  The document outlines the DRA’s plan for operating in the event of a lapse in appropriations. The purpose of the DRA Lapse Plan is to ensure that DRA, as an executive agency of the U. S. Government can perform an orderly suspension of programs and operations should a lapse occur, while continuing those limited activities authorized to continue in the event of an appropriations hiatus.

Performance and Accountability

DRA is committed to accountability as we provide an effective mechanism for federal investments in the Delta region. We continually strive to improve our performance and cut inefficiencies so that job creation and health investments have the maximum impact on the Delta. DRA submits its processes and investments for external audit each year and is proud to consistently receive unmodified audits by an independent accounting firm.

Requesting Records Under the Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. §552) was enacted in 1966 and provides that any person has the right to request access to federal agency records or information, except to the extent that such records are protected from release by a FOIA exemption or exclusion. It is DRA policy to release information to the fullest extent of the law, including releasing information that may be legally withheld, provided there is no foreseeable harm associated with the release. This right of access is enforceable in court.

To most efficiently receive a response, all requests for records under FOIA from DRA must be submitted in writing to DRA’s legal counsel.

Ted Connell
Merkel and Cocke, P.A.
30 Delta Avenue
Clarksdale, MS 38614
(662) 627-9641 |

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