LDD Community Support Pilot Program

The Local Development Districts (LDD) Community Support Pilot Program is a noncompetitive grant program open to the 45 LDDs in the DRA service area. This program targets capacity-building and community support resources to LDDs that are helping economically distressed, isolated areas of distress, and persistent poverty communities navigate federal, state, and other resources that impact economic and community development. The program is designed to enhance the region’s resiliency and ability to compete for and leverage resources.

2023 LDD Community Support Pilot Program Funding

Total Funds Available:  Approx. $2.97 million

Funding Cycle Opens: March 28, 2023

Funding Cycle Closes:  May 11, 2023

More information about the 2023 LDD Community Support Pilot Program can be found in the Request for Proposals.

Applicants are encouraged to contact DRA program staff for additional information regarding submission requirements as well as assistance in developing their application. Technical questions about the RFP should be directed to pilotprogram@dra.gov with the subject line “LDD Pilot Program RFP.” Include the contact name, applicant organization, and phone number in the body of your email.

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