Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Program (PWEAA)

US Economic Development Administration

The Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance (PWEAA) program is a partnership program with the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA).

Public Works Program

EDA’s Public Works program helps distressed communities revitalize, expand, and upgrade their physical infrastructure. This program enables communities to attract new industry; encourage business expansion; diversify local economies; and generate or retain long-term, private-sector jobs and investments through the acquisition or development of land and infrastructure improvements needed for the successful establishment or expansion of industrial or commercial enterprises.

Economic Adjustment Assistance Program

The Economic Adjustment Assistance program provides a wide range of technical, planning, and public works and infrastructure assistance in regions experiencing adverse economic changes that may occur suddenly or over time. These adverse economic impacts may result from a steep decline in manufacturing employment following a plant closure, changing trade patterns, catastrophic natural disaster, a military base closure, or environmental changes and regulations.

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