Local Development Districts

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Local Development Districts

As front-line project managers, the Local Development Districts (LDD) within the DRA footprint provide technical assistance, application support and review, and other services to DRA and those entities in their district wishing to apply for DRA funding. The LDDs help the DRA identify effective and impactful economic development projects for consideration for DRA investment. They also provide on-ground support for public outreach and participate in DRA-sponsored programs and policy initiatives, often helping to drive attendance to DRA events.

Role of the Local Development Districts

All projects are developed in coordination with the appropriate LDD. Projects are submitted electronically either by, or through, the LDD whose territory includes the home county/parish of the applicant and/or the county/parish being served.

LDD staff will review and certify that each project is legitimate and meets the parameters of the DRA program. Ultimately, the DRA makes the final determination of eligibility. However, LDDs will also acknowledge their role and responsibility as project managers for each project and ensure each project is implemented and regulations adhered to in a timely manner. In the event an application is deemed ineligible by the DRA, the LDD also serves as the local economic development agency that should be knowledgeable of other state and federal funding sources. Applicants are encouraged to work closely with the LDD in identifying the best available resources for their project.

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